Dragon Flies (THE FASTEST EVER) too fast some times BEAKRACER PROFILE: BEAK Known for is notorius cleanliness and muff...but really his motto "there is no replacment for displacment". Too fast eh? Another 3 mil down the drain. Motto two, to which he lives strickly by, "clean the mess up before you make it", and builds more cars then he can drive. BLOOD HIMUTHRACER PROFILE: BLACK WILLOW MASTER OF THE OBVOious... Huh, well any ways has a '62 panel truck with 115 hp. It rules!!! Did i mention i have N.O.S., with my new antimatter interstelar drive capable of folding the spacetime-mass exeeding, which most pople would call "WARP".DSAhq a.k.a jeff RACERPROFILE: FORD GRANADA with a FORD 460ci power plant running of ethnol with a 420 megablower, with two holley dominator 950 double pump carbs. And pull 7.45's in a quater mile. With his vast networking and unix skill DSAhq has build a car (an entire car) off of many many e10k servers and other misc. computer parts to create a car so bad you cant even see it!!!! This page has been visited times.